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Friday, November 19, 2010

Art Raffle & What I've been up to!

Taking a quick break to share a bit of what I've been up to-lots of good stuff going on!

On Oct 30th my baby turned 12! So hard to believe~although he's been trying to be a teenager for years! isn't he so handsome {just like his dad!}?? i just love his freckles!

me and my cutie!

We hosted and worked a luau/festival all day on his birthday for a community-so we worked ALL day about WORE out-we were so wore out we forgot the next day was Halloween and my boys remembered around 9 p.m. and was like lets go around! Um it didn't happen! We enjoyed a great family day though...and God did something SO amazing that day that I can't wait to share more in detail sooooon!!

I would go into detail now but I'm getting ready for the Art Flea tomorrow-and if I get started I'll spend all day here.

We just came back from a week of visiting my grandparents in Illinois. We haven't seen them in years and it was so sweet to spend time with them! My grandma had a stroke over a year ago and has come through some really hard stuff physically...I loved having dinner with them and probably my favorite thing

about my grandma is quite odd and yet simple-


but it's her CLOTHESLINE...lots of memories and maybe the fact that she isn't able to use it herself anymore.

NOW I'm working towards getting myself to Hawaii for this event

the 50th at YWAM Kona - Nov. 29 to Dec. 4th 2010 from YWAM Kona on Vimeo.

with my team who is performing (more on that too later since I haven't shared much on that here-it crosses into the cool God thing I will be sharing-so yeah!!!). We are a team of ARTISTS called Warriors Come Home under YWAM. The short story is we use the ARTS in to influence our community. We've been working alongside First Nation and Native Peoples in the midwest...just SO much to share I just can't sum it up easily! Anyhow the last time I was in Hawaii was 18 years ago with it is such a SWEET GOD THING that the timing of going now is exaclty the same...I'm not as excited to go to Hawaii so much, but more so to go be with GOD-I know some MORE awesome stuff is about to BREAK!!

To help myself get there I'm hosting an ART RAFFLE for the painting below...$5 donation gets ya in the drawing---if you look to the side bar near the top of my blog you'll see a PAYPAL donate tab use it to enter as much as you want or it is on my etsy too along with some newer art stuff. I'll be drawing live from HAWAII on Nov 30th! I haven't bought my ticket yet-totally living on FAITH here! I love to watch God do his thing!

Art Raffle

OK I better get busy NOW getting ready for the Art Flea tomorrow in downtown if you live in the area come on down and say HEY and check out some great artisians sharing their handmade goods! everything is affordable from $1 to $50! come check out what to get for Christmas/Hanukkah presents or a treat for yourself!

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